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File Name Search
Simple & powerful file name index and search tool.
File Name Search is an app disigned for file name index and search. It use special algorithm to keep index data small and also gain fast search speed.
1. Set main DB path
Create new main DB path or pick exist one.
1. Set main DB path
2. Add scan paths
Open settings and add scan paths where you want to search files.
You can enter scan path or pick path from dialog, then press "+" button to add scan path.
Be careful that entered path may lack of permission, press "Permission" button and then pick this folder or parent folder to grant permisson.
2. Add scan paths
3. Trigger scan operation
Close settings, press "Scan" button to trigger scan operation.
3. Trigger scan operation
4. Search files
After scan operation done, you can search for files now.
4. Search files